2nd International Conference on English Studies in Indonesia 2021

2nd International Conference on English Studies in Indonesia 2021

International Conference on English Studies in Indonesia (ICONESIA) is a biyearly conference held by ESAI(English Studies Association in Indonesia), the purpose of which is to give rooms for all the English lecturers to present their research papers and to solidify the collegiality of all members of the association under its national congress which is held in parallel with the conference.

The Theme

Current Trends in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies

Date and venue

17th-18th November 2021 @online conference


English Department, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Keynote Speakers


Apply Now: https://conference.trunojoyo.ac.id/iconesia/2ndICONESIA

Contact: iconesia.esai@gmail.com or iconesia@esai-indonesia.org